The core question is simple, namely how to still look fashionable and trendy to use the model - a model of today's clothing, to wear hijab? The sender was a 18-year-old girl, a Muslim is aware of the fashion, and will be covered. Up here is obviously not, that these profiles have limits - limits that clearly dressed as well.
I remember going to one of the wholesale customers located in Paris. Incidentally he is engaged in Muslim clothing, where the demand is quite high because the Muslim community quite a lot in there.
The first problem that brought him to me is how to make the teenagers and young children can dress in muslim muslimah correctly? how to make them feel comfortable and still trendy with clothes that there? Because as we all know, mostly Muslim clothing intersect like a mother - a mother, and not easily used to move, or quite comfortable in the heat, because clearly the rules that they must wear long arms, long pants, and cover the entire body, of course we are talking about for the slice.
A slightly different between the rules here and there is, in Indonesia, especially in Jakarta, I still see no Muslim who wore a shirt or dress shirt with a length of only up to the hips. And any piece of clothing may use kupnat that form the body, or wearing a slightly fitted shirt.
While there, the supervisor must dress a minimum of 3 inches larger than actual body size to prevent the clothes fit the body, there can be no kupnat, and a long blouse tops must reach the knee (especially for subordinates trousers) ideally like tunic. As for the subordinate skirt, blouse long can until your hips only.
With conditions like that, certainly more difficult for Muslim women to wear something fashionable. Because it must be admitted that the option to make Muslim clothing varies only with stacked - stacked, or play in detail embroidery etc.. Grip clothing itself can not be too much changed.
As for playing in the pattern, the designer - designers we are still not too reliable to create a fashionable Muslim dress, but do not need to pile up - stacks. Although able to save material and comfortable to wear, but the game pattern also requires a high skill.
On the other hand, if we want to do a variety of motives in terms of fabric, and using a simple pattern, the current variation of motifs in Indonesia has not much variety. Development a little choked up as compared with the development and production of fashion clothing itself.
So if I want to tell the truth, there is currently no meaningful change that can be done on the Muslim. The options available are still revolves around the accumulation of some elements of clothing, nor did variations - variations in detail and others on stage finishing touch or as an accent.
Actually I can only give a few examples of unified frontier Muslim clothing or style guide for it, and actually has been found in the magazine - fashion magazine about Muslims, but I think there is nothing better that I can give as input, namely the need for deepening and understanding intact as to why the Muslim should dress properly a Muslim? And why it required such an outfit? And may subsequently develop self-awareness that there would be any restriction is a commitment of what is believed.
I may not quite be the party and the authority to notify or provide input on the question - the question above, but I think in every destination, it will have value - the value of constraints that must be interpreted and understood in depth.
Maybe we should change into work clothes for example, so any input from me can be seen in a much more fair. Work clothes, of course depend on what type of job. And there's some reason behind the clothes - work clothes, why her clothes look like it, why must wear a uniform or a suit, why should this and that, and others. And we understand that we are wearing all of it because all of them are commitments that must be a decision we are going to work in that field and / or work for a company that determines it all.
So we understand that the job is our commitment, something that is important to us, and we wear clothes that will support for the attainment of the objectives of the job. So also with religion.
Not that I say that the Muslim should not be trendy or may not be stylish and fashionable, you know. But if that happens is that as I and my partner look at the mall a few weeks ago, where there is a Muslim who veiled, wearing clothes with long arms, but made from semi-transparent, so it is not difficult to see (sorry) underwear, or when I was in Bandung and saw a Muslim girl wearing a headscarf two stacks of sweatshirts, the first is the long white hand, the short arms pink on the outside, but both are very tight until - up to (sorry) underwear printed out .., then in my opinion, it is obviously very wrong and the user does not understand what the value of what is contained dianutnya. And in the end trendy and stylish that even nullify the interests of their duties which should be aimed at carrying value - the value which was believed earlier.
Indeed, I understand that the headscarf is just an attribute of dress, which can not be attributed to how deep one's understanding of religion and values will - the value itself. But if we can understand how decent clothes to attend the meeting, how to dress appropriate to come to the wedding, how the clothing is appropriate for a funeral, then it should also be equipped with the Muslim women how to dress appropriate and in accordance with the value that was carried, and add understanding to 'why'.
Up here, I hope the girl who sent the email and probably the Muslim can understand, that indeed the consequences and discomfort or limitation of certain existing options, but if the purpose behind it all better, maybe it does not matter if it trendy to be stacked - stacked or rely on variations of the game materials, textures, and accents or just accessories? Perhaps this suggestion is often heard, but indeed one option to look fashionable and trendy can be tricked by focusing on accessories only or play on the accents - accents and other details such as the hijab.
Hopefully after reading this article, there will be the designers or manufacturers who plan to work on Muslim clothing design with an emphasis on game pattern or increase the quality and type of design motifs. This is a piece of cake you know. :)
Yes yes, I know. Some of you must have been prepared asking the question, "So how do you make model and sent to Paris? Models like what you like in there?" And I am sure you would be surprised by the answer.
Paris is renowned as a city of fashion, and haute couture was also received major attention. But the product - the product that we sent to Muslim communities in the city actually has four points that is emphasized by our customers there, the colors used must be no flashy colors and soft, use of color to two colors in one outfit, if there should be embroidery or beads, then only may use the same colors of the two colors used on the clothing fabric, and the last use of beads or embroidery as details should not be much or striking. Of course it's outside the rules - the rules regarding the size, cut, type and quality of cloth, and others.
Stark contrast to the taste of Indonesia who like colors - colors, embroidery and sequinnes abundant, right? :) But maybe that's the beauty of diversity. Taste differences create differences in the results interesting.
So basically how to be able to appear fashionable and trendy with a scarf, and remained polite and correct, is to understand and accept why it should be covered, what the purpose of hijab, and ultimately a new look for a way out how to become a determinant of beauty hijab dress and not a bully.

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